Our Mission

हमारा लक्ष्य/Our Mission

बच्चों का सर्वांगीण विकास:- अर्थात बच्चों का शारीरिक, मानसिक, बौद्धिक, आध्यात्मिक, सामाजिक, भावनात्मक, व रचनात्मक विकास करना, ताकि हमारे बच्चों का उज्जवल भविष्य बन सकें, बच्चे अपने परिवार से प्यार करें, समाज में योगदान दे सकें, देश का नाम रोशन कर सकें, विश्व में खुशहाली लाकर परमात्मा का कार्य कर सकें।  

All-round development of children: – This includes physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, and creative development of the children so that our children can have a bright future, love their family, contribute to society, light up the name of our Nation and do the work of God by bringing happiness in the world.

We Pledge

“We pledge to provide every child with individual attention, modern facilities and exposure to the best global practices of mentoring and care. We shall ensure multi-cultural education rooted in Indian values with an emphasis on personal excellence. Every student will emerge from SR Capital Public School as a considerate, accomplished and aware global citizen ready to assume responsibility for making a better world”.

SR Capital Public School Supports:

  • The right to learn and play without interference from others
  • The right to be treated fairly, equally and with respect by students and staff
  • The right to be safe anywhere in the school
  • The right not to be verbally abused nor made to feel foolish or inadequate by students or staff
  • The right to be listened to by students and staff
  • The right to be valued as an individual by students and staff
  • The right to expect that your personal property will be respected by students or staff
  • The SR Capital Public School expects all students and staff to respect these rights

Student Responsibilities:

  • Respect for self and others.
  • Attendance at school when required and not leaving the premises without permission
  • Being on time
  • Having necessary books and equipment
  • Finishing all set of work in class and at home
  • Cooperating with teachers, paying attention in class
  • Taking care of personal and school property and keeping it tidy
  • Taking care of the personal appearance

SR Capital Public School strongly opposes:

  • Teasing, humiliation or denigration of others, disruptive behaviour, victimisation, violence, substance abuse, vandalism, offensive language, and
  • Harassment of any type including bullying of any type
  • Race and sex-based harassment
  • Any situation where a group of students makes life unpleasant of an individual student is particularly offensive and will be dealt with accordingly